Tuesday, November 17, 2009

is Sara really serious?

ok..so let me just start by saying that I am not a democrat nor a republican nor an independent! nor a follower of any organization or an extremist that can be easily manipulated by the media and the news! I am just an individual who hears, receives, thinks and then decides whether or not the given information makes any sense. I am studying Mass communication and I know the "deal". I know what media does or atleast try to do with people's mind, creating and manipulating it as if the audience came up with that perspective themselves. So, having said that, I am not following and going by what media had to say about Ms. Sara Palin! But C'oooome oooooooon!...

From the beginning of McCain and VP "to be" Sara Palin, I watched her! closely...I did not agree with people that just hated her right of the bat...I did not agree with people that made fun of her after her "foolish" interview with katie couric (and many other interviews after that)where she had absolutely no idea what she was talking about...She sure did one thing though...made Tina made filthy rich!

Today, she wrote a book! yes, a book! about why did McCain's campaigned failed miserably. Oh..and now she wants to talk about her past life and marriage and pre marriage life and miscarriages..I mean..I am sorry..but Sara, dont you think its a bit too late? What is the point of your book? tell me..please! You have been humiliated and made fun of miserably world wide..and as sad as this might sound, people do believe the media! you know what you are..simply a tool! People are writing about you, copying you, and simply making money of of you! just thought I should share that with you and the rest of the world...Oh..and for future reference, please don't call your child retarded! you betcha the world is listening...

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