Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Taking it for granted

Once I read somewhere that humans are the most flexible animals; well, not physically per se, but mentally and emotionally. I didn't really care much about this statement back then; just thought about it as a simple saying and it wasn't till recently that I truly felt its meaning.

The simple truth is that us, humans, get use to things so unconsciously; Situations, conditions, locations, behaviors, wealth, health,etc. sometimes it might be the lack of awareness and the capacity for sensory perception as merriam-webster would have it. What ever it might be our souls become so moldable, just like water; It fits and changes as its poured into any shape and form jar... and that is a beautiful thing until we get stuck in one stage for too long...

then we tend to get used our surroundings. We think too highly of ourselves. We begin to like it. We begin to think that we deserve it and we should have been here from day one in the first place and that's when it happens. We take it for granted....we take it for granted until it is taken away from us. When the nice things are gone, when rich is poor, when wealthy is sick, when pride is replaced by humbleness. Then we begin to blame everything and anything in our power including ourselves."...well, maybe if I had acted differently, if I had tried a little harder, if I was a little nicer,..." but the truth is, none of these things matter. life is going to happen before our eyes and most of the time, we can't do much about it.

I feel like my life has taken that route in the past year. As I think about it tonight, I have taken many things, situations, people, etc, for granted as if they are going to be there forever...and now that I feel some of them have been taken away from me, I feel the emptiness...

i know, or better said, I've learned today that any situation is a good situation. Any condition is a good condition. The variable is us. We can be happy, rich, healthy, miserable or poor in any setting; Just depends on how we look at it...so, don't get stuck in one spot for too long and when you've moved on, don't forget about the past, for the past is always a part of your future.

thanks for listening!


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