Sunday, November 14, 2010

The White Board

I remember 7th grade like it was yesterday…Sitting in front row in class and listening so carefully to our religion teacher Ms. Akbari. Ms. Akbari was one of a kind. She was a dark skinned women who never smiled. We all knew that she took her classes very seriously and that no one could joke around since the subject was God and prophets most of the time.We were not aloud to disagree or express our opinion or she would say “how dare you question God and his holy book…this is the way it is and you have to learn and follow it in order to go to heaven….” oh how brainwashed we used to be, and how convincing she used to sound

But one day she came to class and taught us this…”My dear students, always remember, you were born with a white board attached your heart and there is not a single dot on it until you start planting your seeds. If you plant good seeds, your white board will always remain white and clean, but if you plant bad seeds, evil will come and your white board will get darker and darker…” I remember that day I was in fear..I wanted to ask, is this really true? (but I knew better) and if so, what about forgiveness, love and patience


years later I learned this…its not about how dark your white board become. After all isn’t it meant to be written on? Whats important is how fast you erase the darkness so it wouldn’t sink to your heart…
keeping a white board untouched is boring. keeping a white board untouched is lifeless…I have a message for Ms. Akbari tonight: ” write on your white board, loud and clear. keep the good stuff and erase the evil….

And don’t worry, you can still go to heaven…

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